The server is set up by adding a .env file with the OpenAi API key, running `bun install` and `bun run dev`, after which the server should be running on PORT 3103. The Messenger Chat Observer is added by logging into with an alternative account, creating a new bookmark with the code from `bookmarklet.js`, and clicking the bookmark. The integration is tested by sending a photo to the alternative account via the Meta View app, which should result in logs being displayed on the server. The author, Devon Crebbin, encourages users to reach out with any issues or feature requests.
Key takeaways:
- The article provides a hacky way to integrate GPT4 Vision into the Meta Rayban Smart Glasses using voice commands.
- It requires Meta Rayban Smart Glasses, OpenAi API Key, an alternative Facebook/Messenger account, and bun to set up.
- The setup process involves getting the server up and running, adding the Messenger Chat Observer, and testing the integration.
- The author, Devon Crebbin, hopes that the Meta Reality Labs team will provide an SDK in the future for easier integrations.