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GitHub - elem-app/spaceport: Specs as test code

Dec 30, 2024 -
Spaceport is a proof-of-concept tool designed to automate system and end-to-end testing by converting specifications into test code and executing them. It can generate specifications from reference sources like READMEs and unit tests, even if a product lacks formal specs. Spaceport uses a natural language format for executable specs, which are semi-structured descriptions of expected behavior broken down into clear, imperative steps. The tool performs three main tasks: writing feature and executable specs, generating test code, and running tests in dedicated environments, utilizing large language models (LLMs) for the first two tasks.

The typical workflow involves initializing a workspace, preparing reference sources, generating executable specs, specifying test environments and fixtures, generating test code, and running tests. Spaceport complements unit and integration tests by excelling at end-to-end and system testing, simulating real user interactions. It offers benefits over direct LLM-generated tests by being more reliable, interpretable, and efficient, with less boilerplate code. Unlike Cucumber/SpecFlow, Spaceport can auto-generate specs and test code from existing documentation, offering more language flexibility.

Key takeaways:

  • Spaceport is a proof-of-concept tool for automating system and end-to-end testing by converting specifications into test code.
  • It uses LLMs to generate feature and executable specs from less-structured reference sources, which are then transformed into test code.
  • Spaceport complements unit and integration tests by focusing on simulating real user interactions for end-to-end and system testing.
  • It offers benefits over direct LLM-generated tests, such as more reliable code, natural language specs, and reduced boilerplate.
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