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GitHub - Florents-Tselai/tsellm: Interactive SQLite shell with LLM support

Jun 23, 2024 -
The article introduces tsellm, an interactive SQLite shell with LLM support. It is available for installation via pip and allows users to create and manipulate SQLite databases. The shell supports the execution of LLM-powered SQL queries directly in the CLI and also provides an interactive REPL-style shell for database manipulation. It also allows for the creation of Python-written user-defined functions to be used in SQLite queries.

The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple SQLite database, install a dummy plugin, and execute complex queries. It also explains how to enter an interactive shell to manipulate the database and perform queries. The tsellm shell relies on SQLite being bundled with the standard Python library, Python 3.12 shipping with a SQLite interactive shell, and the creation of Python-written user-defined functions for SQLite queries.

Key takeaways:

  • tsellm is an interactive SQLite shell with LLM Support and can be installed using pip.
  • It allows the execution of LLM-powered SQL queries directly in the CLI.
  • tsellm also provides an interactive REPL-style shell for database manipulation.
  • It relies on SQLite bundled with the standard Python library, Python 3.12's SQLite interactive shell, and the ability to create Python-written user-defined functions for SQLite queries.
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