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GitHub - getsavvyinc/savvy-cli: Create, share, and run runbooks from your terminal.

May 29, 2024 -
Savvy is a tool that simplifies the creation, sharing, and running of runbooks from your terminal. It uses a command-line interface (CLI) to generate runbooks either with AI or from commands provided by the user. Savvy's features include the ability to generate runbooks with AI using the `savvy ask` command, create runbooks from your shell history with `savvy record history`, and automatically run runbooks with `savvy run`. It also offers a `savvy explain` feature for understanding complex commands or error messages.

The tool is private by default but allows sharing through public or unlisted links from Savvy's dashboard. It also supports exporting runbooks to markdown for inclusion in existing documentation. Savvy requires a free account for creating a runbook with the `savvy record` command. It currently supports `zsh` and `bash` shells and does not yet work on Windows. For help or queries, users can create an issue on Savvy's GitHub repository or join their Discord server.

Key takeaways:

  • Savvy is a tool that allows you to create, share, and run runbooks from your terminal. It can generate runbooks with AI or from commands you provide.
  • You can use Savvy to generate runbooks using natural language, record your shell history, or record a new shell session. It also allows you to share runbooks and export them to markdown.
  • Savvy also has a feature called 'savvy explain' that provides simple and easy-to-understand explanations for any command or error message.
  • Savvy supports 'zsh' and 'bash' shells and requires you to sign up for a free account. However, it does not yet work on Windows.
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