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GitHub - hegelai/prompttools: Open-source tools for prompt testing and experimentation, with support for both LLMs (e.g. OpenAI, LLaMA) and vector databases (e.g. Chroma, Weaviate).

Aug 01, 2023 -
PromptTools, created by Hegel AI, is a free, open-source toolset designed for testing and experimenting with prompts. It allows developers to evaluate prompts using familiar interfaces like code and notebooks. Developers can test their prompts and parameters across different models, including OpenAI, Anthropic, and LLaMA models, and evaluate the retrieval accuracy of vector databases. The tool can be installed using pip and can be interacted with using the playground interface.

The tool supports integrations with various APIs including OpenAI, LLaMA.Cpp, HuggingFace, Anthropic, Google PaLM, and LangChain. It also supports vector databases and data utility such as Chroma, Weaviate, MindsDB, Milvus, Pinecone, LanceDB, and LlamaIndex. The tool ensures privacy as it does not forward LLM calls to a server before sending it to OpenAI, Anthropic, etc., and does not store API keys or LLM inputs and outputs to a server. The creators of PromptTools welcome contributions and feedback from users.

Key takeaways:

  • `prompttools` is a set of free, open-source tools created by Hegel AI for testing and experimenting with prompts.
  • The tool allows developers to evaluate prompts using familiar interfaces like code and notebooks, and supports various models including OpenAI, Anthropic, and LLaMA models.
  • `prompttools` does not forward LLM calls to a server before sending it to OpenAI, Anthropic, etc., and does not store API keys or LLM inputs and outputs to a server. All data stay on the local machine.
  • Hegel AI welcomes PRs and suggestions for `prompttools`, and is open to working with early adopters to shape their designs.
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