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GitHub - johnma2006/mamba-minimal: Simple, minimal implementation of Mamba in one file of PyTorch.

Dec 20, 2023 -
The markdown data discusses a minimal implementation of Mamba in PyTorch, which offers the same numerical output as the official version for both forward and backward pass. The code is simplified, readable, and annotated. However, it lacks the speed of the official version due to the absence of heavy optimizations. It also does not include proper parameter initialization, although this could be added without compromising readability.

The data also provides a demo using the Mamba model and AutoTokenizer from the transformers library. The Mamba model is used to generate a completion for the prompt 'Mamba is the', resulting in a description of the Mamba as the world's longest venomous snake. The Mamba architecture was introduced in a paper by Albert Gu and Tri Dao, and the official implementation can be found on GitHub.

Key takeaways:

  • The Mamba-minimal is a simple, minimal implementation of Mamba in one file of PyTorch, providing equivalent numerical output as the official implementation for both forward and backward pass.
  • The code is simplified, readable, and annotated, but it does not include speed optimizations and proper parameter initialization.
  • A demo is provided in the form of a Jupyter notebook, showcasing examples of prompt completions using the Mamba model and a tokenizer from the transformers library.
  • The Mamba architecture was introduced in a paper by Albert Gu and Tri Dao, and the official implementation can be found on GitHub.
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