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GitHub - langfuse/langfuse: Open source observability and analytics for LLM applications

Aug 29, 2023 -
Langfuse is an open-source observability and analytics solution designed for LLM-based applications. It is primarily used for production but can also be utilized for local development. Langfuse focuses on applications built on LLMs and helps monitor and debug these applications. It offers an admin UI to explore ingested data and provides analytics on token usage, volume of traces, scores/evals, and more.

To get started with Langfuse, users can opt for a managed deployment by the Langfuse team or run it on localhost. The Langfuse callback handler automatically instruments Langchain applications, with support for Python and JS/TS. Users can also manually instrument applications using SDKs. Additionally, Langfuse allows users to add scores/evaluations to traces. Contributions to Langfuse are welcomed and can be made through PRs, raising a GitHub issue, or via email.

Key takeaways:

  • Langfuse is an open-source observability and analytics solution for LLM-based applications, providing a platform for monitoring and debugging these applications.
  • It offers an admin UI for exploring ingested data, with features like nested view of LLM app executions, segment execution traces by user feedback, and detailed analytics reporting.
  • Langfuse can be run on a server, either through a managed deployment by the Langfuse team, on localhost with Docker and Node.js, or self-hosted with Docker.
  • Langfuse is MIT licensed and encourages community contributions through PRs, raising GitHub issues, or via email.
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