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GitHub - lastlayer/last_layer: Ultra-fast, low latency LLM prompt injection/jailbreak detection ⛓️

Apr 03, 2024 -
The markdown data is about `last_layer`, an ultra-fast, low latency security library designed to protect LLM applications from prompt injection attacks, jailbreaks, and exploits. It acts as a robust filtering layer that scrutinizes prompts before they are processed by LLMs, ensuring only safe and appropriate content is allowed through. The library offers features like ultra-fast scanning, privacy-focused operations, compatibility with serverless platforms, advanced detection mechanisms, and regular updates. However, it is noted that `last_layer` is a safety tool and not a foolproof solution, as it cannot guarantee complete protection against all possible threats.

The data also provides installation and usage instructions, along with a table representing the accuracy of `last_layer` in detecting various types of prompts. The core of `last_layer` is kept closed-source to prevent reverse engineering and maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the solution. The markdown data also mentions the availability of an enterprise version of `last_layer` with additional features, enhanced support, and customization options. Contributions to the project are welcomed, and the library is distributed under the MIT License.

Key takeaways:

  • `last_layer` is a security library designed to protect LLM applications from prompt injection attacks, jailbreaks and exploits.
  • It operates without tracking or making network calls, ensuring data stays within your infrastructure, package size under 50 MB.
  • The filter logic and threat detection capabilities are updated monthly to adapt to evolving security challenges.
  • It is designed as a safety tool and not a foolproof solution, but it significantly reduces the risk of prompt-based attacks and exploits.
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