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GitHub - megoxv/visionGPT: Analyze your image in seconds with AI

May 25, 2024 -
The article introduces VisionGPT, an AI-driven application that analyzes and understands images in seconds. The application uses the Gemini Pro Vision model to process any uploaded photo, returning an analysis of the image. It operates through a Next.js API route and provides AI insights at the user's fingertips.

To run VisionGPT locally, users need to clone the repository to their local machine and set up the environment variables in a `.env` file, following the format provided in the `.example.env` file. After installing the necessary dependencies, the application can be run from the command line and accessed at `http://localhost:3000`. The repository for this application is MIT licensed.

Key takeaways:

  • VisionGPT uses the Gemini Pro Vision model to analyze images, providing AI-driven insights.
  • The application can be run locally by cloning the repository and setting up the environment variables.
  • Environment variables include API keys for Google AI and Stripe, as well as a database URL.
  • The repository is licensed under the MIT license.
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