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GitHub - morph-labs/mci: Morph Code Index

Oct 11, 2023 -
The markdown data provides instructions on how to use Morph Code Index (MCI), a part of the infrastructure for Rift, an AI-native language server. The first part of the instructions details how to install MCI from the source using git clone, and then how to use the 'morph' command to index and search within a repository. It emphasizes the need to ensure the OPENAI_API_KEY is set and to navigate to the repository to be searched.

The latter part of the data explains how to make coding assistants smarter by giving them context before making a request. It also discusses how to generate training data for personal software engineers, although this feature is noted as "coming soon". The instructions include importing the Index from, and using jsonlines to write the generated data into a file named "datapoints.jsonl".

Key takeaways:

  • The Morph Code Index is part of the infrastructure for Rift, an AI-native language server that can be used to find relevant code faster and make coding assistants smarter.
  • It can be installed from the source using git and pip commands. The user needs to ensure that the OPENAI_API_KEY is set and the repository to be searched is specified.
  • The Morph Code Index can be used to search for specific methods or functions in the code, making it easier to find relevant code segments.
  • The Morph Code Index can also generate training data for personal software engineering, with the feature coming soon.
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