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GitHub - myscale/ChatData: ChatData πŸ” πŸ“– brings RAG to real applications with FREE✨ knowledge bases. Now enjoy your chat with 6 million wikipedia pages and 2 million arxiv papers.

Nov 14, 2023 -
ChatData is a chat application that uses LangChain's self-query retriever to allow users to search through millions of documents with ease and precision. The app is designed to help users navigate through vast amounts of data, providing quick and accurate access to academic papers and research documents. It uses powerful metadata filters and advanced vector search capabilities to deliver a seamless user experience. Users can ask specific questions, such as "Is it possible to synthesize room temperature super conductive material? Please use researches after 2021", and get reliable information and references in seconds.

The app also provides access to Wikipedia and millions of papers from arXiv, offering a vast knowledge base for users. The database includes a variety of information such as authors, titles, categories, publication dates, and more. The app is updated monthly, with recent updates including the addition of a Wikipedia knowledge base and the ability for LLMs to write Vector SQL. Users can build their own app from scratch using the provided guide and join the ChatData community on Discord for further discussion and support.

Key takeaways:

  • ChatData is a chat app that allows users to query millions of files, providing quick and accurate access to academic papers and research documents.
  • The app uses LangChain's self-query retriever and MyScale database, offering features like advanced vector search capabilities and powerful metadata filters.
  • ChatData includes access to Wikipedia and millions of papers from arXiv, with detailed metadata for each paper. The database can be accessed for free.
  • The app can be run locally by installing the necessary dependencies and running the provided Python commands. It also offers a guide on how to build a similar app from scratch.
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