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GitHub - olistic/git-scribe: ✍️ AI copilot for crafting insightful Git commit messages

Aug 09, 2023 -
Git Scribe is an AI tool designed to assist developers in crafting insightful Git commit messages. It streamlines the development process by translating code differences into concise narratives. When a developer executes a `git commit` without a message, Git Scribe suggests one.

To get started with Git Scribe, one needs to install `git-scribe` and husky, enable Git hooks, and add the prepare-commit-msg hook. It's important to note that Git Scribe uses the OpenAI API, and any concerns regarding data privacy can be addressed by reviewing OpenAI's API data privacy policies.

Key takeaways:

  • Git Scribe is an AI tool that helps in crafting insightful Git commit messages by translating code diffs into concise narratives.
  • It can be used by executing `git commit` without passing a message, and Git Scribe will suggest a commit message.
  • Git Scribe can be added to a repository by installing `git-scribe` and husky, enabling Git hooks, and adding the prepare-commit-msg hook.
  • Git Scribe uses OpenAI API behind the scenes and users can review OpenAI's API data privacy policies if they have any concerns.
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