Installation involves configuring device-specific settings, setting environment variables for WiFi SSID, password, and OpenAI API key, and building the project with ` build`. For the `esp32s3`, the build can be flashed to the device using `sudo -E flash`, while for Linux, the binary can be run directly. A Docker command is available in the build.yaml file to streamline the process.
Key takeaways:
- The Open RealtimeAPI Embedded SDK supports both `esp32s3` and `linux` platforms, allowing usage without physical hardware directly from Linux.
- Supported microcontrollers include Freenove ESP32-S3-WROOM and Sonatino - ESP32-S3 Audio Development Board, though other ESP32S3 variants may also work.
- Installation requires `protoc` and `protobufc`, with specific commands for setting the target platform and configuring device settings.
- For `esp32s3`, the build process includes flashing the device, while for `linux`, the binary can be run directly.