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GitHub - OpenBMB/ChatDev: Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)

Sep 24, 2023 -
ChatDev is a virtual software company that operates through various intelligent agents, including roles like CEO, CTO, programmer, reviewer, tester, and art designer. These agents form a multi-agent organizational structure and collaborate on tasks such as designing, coding, testing, and documenting. The primary objective of ChatDev is to offer an easy-to-use, highly customizable, and extendable framework based on large language models (LLMs), serving as an ideal scenario for studying collective intelligence.

The platform provides a quick start guide for users to clone the GitHub repository, set up the Python environment, install dependencies, set OpenAI API Key, build and run their software. Advanced skills include customizing the software development process, designing phases within the process, and defining various agents in the company. The source code is licensed under Apache 2.0, and the datasets are licensed under CC BY NC 4.0, allowing for non-commercial use only.

Key takeaways:

  • ChatDev is a virtual software company that operates through various intelligent agents holding different roles, and it aims to offer an easy-to-use, highly customizable and extendable framework based on large language models.
  • The agents within ChatDev collaborate by participating in specialized functional seminars, including tasks such as designing, coding, testing, and documenting.
  • ChatDev provides a step-by-step guide on how to get started, from cloning the GitHub Repository to running the software.
  • ChatDev encourages users to customize their own software development process and share their work with the community, and it also provides detailed guides and examples for customization.
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