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GitHub - petrgazarov/salami: Infrastructure as Natural Language

Oct 20, 2023 -
Salami is a domain-specific language for cloud infrastructure that uses natural language descriptions. It uses a GPT4 compiler to convert this natural language into Terraform code, essentially allowing users to write documentation for each cloud resource object and have it converted into Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Salami files are primarily composed of natural language, with special constructs such as blocks, constructor functions, variable references, and resource references.

The Salami compiler generates a lock file that includes parsed Salami objects and the resulting Terraform code, which is used to determine which objects have changed since the last compilation. The file extension for Salami files is `.sami`. To get started, users can install Salami via Homebrew or manually download the latest binaries. A Salami VS Code extension is also available for highlighting functionality for `.sami` files. Contributions to Salami are welcome, with non-trivial contributions requiring discussion via an issue first.

Key takeaways:

  • Salami is a domain-specific language for cloud infrastructure that uses natural language descriptions, with a compiler that uses GPT4 to convert the natural language to Terraform code.
  • Salami files consist of natural language and special constructs such as blocks, constructor functions, variable references, and resource references.
  • The Salami compiler generates a lock file that includes parsed Salami objects and the resulting Terraform code, which helps to speed up the compilation process.
  • There is a Salami VS Code extension available that provides highlighting functionality for the '.sami' files, and contributions to the project are welcome.
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