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GitHub - pretzelai/pretzelai: Open-source, browser-local data exploration using DuckDB-Wasm and PRQL

Mar 15, 2024 -
Pretzel is an open-source, offline browser-based tool designed for quick and intuitive data exploration and visualization. It can handle large data files, operates locally in a browser, and doesn't require any backend setup. The tool allows easy data manipulation through visual chained data transform blocks and automatically updates all transform blocks and charts when a block in the chain is altered. It also offers features like AI-powered transformation block, privacy-first design, and upcoming features like local LLM support, API calls, in-browser Python support, and more.

Pretzel can be used by visiting its website or installing it as a Chrome app for offline use. For developers, it can be run locally by cloning the repository and installing dependencies, or it can be hosted by building the app and uploading the contents of the build folder to your hosting. Optional configurations include a bug report box and an AI endpoint. Known bugs include incorrect parsing of dates and slow table panel for large datasets. Users can report bugs via GitHub issues or contact the team via email.

Key takeaways:

  • Pretzel is an open-source, offline browser-based tool for fast and intuitive data exploration and visualization. It can handle large data files, runs locally in your browser, and requires no backend setup.
  • It features blazing-fast performance with WebAssembly-based DuckDB and PRQL, intuitive data exploration with a visual, top-down pipeline of data transformations and visualizations, AI-powered transformation block for fast data manipulation, and a privacy-first design.
  • Pretzel can be used online by visiting their website or installed as a Chrome app for offline use. Developers can also run Pretzel locally or host it themselves.
  • Known bugs include incorrect parsing of dates and slow table panel for large datasets. Users are encouraged to report any bugs they find in GitHub issues.
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