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GitHub - rapidpages/rapidpages: Generate React and Tailwind components using AI

Sep 22, 2023 -
Rapidpages is a prompt-first IDE designed for building visually appealing pages. Users simply describe the desired UI and the platform generates the corresponding code using familiar technologies, currently supporting only React+Tailwind. It can be run locally by cloning from GitHub and setting up the necessary values in the `.env.example` file, or it can be used on the cloud for free.

The platform currently generates components in one go, but future plans include breaking down this task into multiple steps like dependency retrieval and icon generation to facilitate the creation of more complex UI elements. The license details can be found in the LICENSE file.

Key takeaways:

  • Rapidpages is a prompt-first IDE that generates code for UI components using familiar technologies, currently supporting React+Tailwind.
  • You can run Rapidpages locally by cloning the repository, setting up the environment variables, creating the database, and running the application.
  • Rapidpages can also be used on the cloud for free, with the option to contact the team on discord if you run out of credits.
  • Currently, Rapidpages generates components in one shot, but future plans include breaking this task into multiple steps for the creation of more complex UI elements.
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