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GitHub - Renumics/spotlight: Interactively explore unstructured datasets from your dataframe.

Sep 04, 2023 -
Renumics Spotlight is a tool that allows users to interactively explore unstructured datasets from their dataframe. It supports various unstructured data types including images, audio, text, videos, time-series, and geometric data. The tool helps users understand these datasets quickly, create interactive visualizations, and identify critical clusters in their data. It is used by machine learning and engineering teams to understand and communicate complex unstructured data problems.

To get started, users need to install Spotlight and load their first dataset. The tool requires Python version 3.8-3.11 and can be installed via pip. Users can then load a dataset and start exploring. Spotlight also supports loading a Hugging Face audio dataset with embeddings and a pre-defined layout. The tool includes crash report and performance collection, but does not collect user data other than an anonymized Machine Id. Users can opt out of the crash report collection by defining an environment variable called `SPOTLIGHT_OPT_OUT`.

Key takeaways:

  • Renumics Spotlight is a tool that helps users understand unstructured datasets quickly through interactive visualizations and data enrichments.
  • It supports most unstructured data types including images, audio, text, videos, time-series and geometric data.
  • Spotlight can be easily started with a few lines of code and is used by machine learning and engineering teams to understand and communicate complex unstructured data problems.
  • The tool also provides crash report and performance collection to improve stability, but does not collect user data other than an anonymized Machine Id.
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