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GitHub - steven-tey/shooketh: An AI bot built with the Vercel AI SDK, OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo, and fine-tuned on Shakespeare's literary works.

Sep 01, 2023 -
The article introduces "Shooketh", an AI bot developed using the Vercel AI SDK and fine-tuned on Shakespeare's literary works. The bot is designed to mimic Shakespeare's writing style and users can learn how to build their own version of Shooketh through the guide provided.

The article also provides information on how to deploy your own version of Shooketh with a single click. It further explains how to fine-tune your own AI bot using OpenAI and the Vercel AI SDK. The tech stack used for building Shooketh includes Next.js, OpenAI Fine-tuning, Vercel AI SDK, Vercel, and TailwindCSS. The article invites contributions through bug reporting or feature additions and is authored by Steven Tey.

Key takeaways:

  • Shooketh is an AI bot built with the Vercel AI SDK and fine-tuned on Shakespeare's literary works.
  • You can deploy your own version of Shooketh with 1-click using Vercel.
  • The tech stack used includes Next.js, OpenAI Fine-tuning, Vercel AI SDK, Vercel for deployments, and TailwindCSS for styles.
  • Contributions to the project can be made through opening issues for bugs or making pull requests for new features or improvements.
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