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GitHub - UTFeight/vimacs: Neovim Configuration heavily inspired by Emacs & JetBrains. Based on NvChad

Oct 11, 2023 -
Vimacs is a Neovim configuration inspired by JetBrains, Emacs, and VS Code, and built on top of NvChad's UI. It is designed with a focus on performance, features, and aesthetics. Vimacs uses a base configuration called NvChad, which is aesthetically pleasing out of the box. It also comes with dozens of Neovim plugins optimized for daily use and uses external programs to enhance its functionality. Performance optimizations are crucial due to the extensive ecosystem of Vimacs, and with the power of lazy loading, users only pay for what they use.

The configuration also includes a wide range of features including a hot reloaded themes, search engine, basic Git integration, auto-generated cheatsheets, beautiful UI, on-click updates, plugin manager, inline code runner, profiler, project manager, project search, smooth debugging experience, markdown preview, undo history fuzzy search, undo tree, code symbols navigation, Github integration, Github action tracking, project runner, task framework, testing framework, file tree, folding mode, brace hints, tree-sitter hints, smooth sine scrolling, session manager, and many more. The installation process involves cloning the NvChad and Vimacs repositories, moving the custom configuration, and launching Neovim.

Key takeaways:

  • Vimacs is a Neovim Configuration inspired by JetBrains, Emacs, and VS Code, built on top of NvChad's UI.
  • It focuses heavily on performance, feature, and beauty, with dozens of optimized plugins and an optional mail client based on neomutt.
  • Vimacs uses a base configuration called NvChad, which is beautiful out of the box, and uses external programs to enhance its functionality.
  • It comes with a wide range of features including a search engine, Git integration, a plugin manager, a project manager, a markdown preview, a task framework, a testing framework, a file tree, a clipboard manager, and many more.
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