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GitHub - xeol-io/bumpgen: automate version bumps with AI 🆙

May 01, 2024 -
The article introduces `bumpgen`, a tool designed to upgrade TypeScript/TSX dependencies and make necessary code changes if anything breaks. The tool works by building the project to understand what broke when a dependency was bumped, then uses ts-morph to create an abstract syntax tree from the code to understand the relationships between statements. It also uses the AST to get type definitions for external methods to understand how to use new package versions. `bumpgen` then creates a plan graph DAG to execute things in the correct order to handle propagating changes.

However, there are some limitations to `bumpgen`. It relies on build errors to determine what needs fixing, can't handle multiple packages at the same time, and struggles with large frameworks like `vue`. Currently, `bumpgen` only supports TypeScript and TSX, but the developers are working on adding support for other strongly typed languages. To get started, users need an OpenAI API key and `gpt-4-turbo-preview` from OpenAI is the only supported model at this time.

Key takeaways:

  • `bumpgen` is a tool that helps upgrade TypeScript / TSX dependencies and makes code changes if anything breaks.
  • The tool builds your project to understand what broke when a dependency was bumped and uses ts-morph to create an abstract syntax tree from your code to understand the relationships between statements.
  • Currently, `bumpgen` only supports TypeScript and TSX, but there are plans to add support for other strongly typed languages such as Java, golang, C# and Python.
  • There are some limitations to `bumpgen`, such as its inability to handle multiple packages at the same time and its reliance on build errors to determine what needs to be fixed.
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