The article provides a getting started guide, which includes cloning the repo, gaining access to OpenAI's plugin devtools, installing and running Docker, executing a script, setting up a localhost port, and interacting with Kaguya through ChatGPT. It also offers tips for optimal usage, such as keeping files under 100 lines of code, avoiding writing more than 80 lines of code at once, and limiting the length of each file being loaded. The Kaguya team also maintains a Discord server for user support.
Key takeaways:
- Kaguya is a ChatGPT plugin that allows developers to interact with their file system and run scripts directly from ChatGPT.
- The project provides several API endpoints that allow you to interact with the file system, including reading, updating, creating, and deleting files and directories.
- There are certain recommendations for using Kaguya, such as keeping each file under 100 lines of code and not reading more than 500-600 lines of code at once.
- Kaguya is meant to be a conversational tool and if it doesn't get the intention of your instructions right away, it may be helpful to start a new conversation or limit the length of each file being loaded.