The platform is currently available for pre-order, with exclusive perks for the first 1000 users, including a unique badge, access to a private Discord server, early access to the platform, priority access to new features, a lifetime 40% reduction on the regular payout fee, and access to a faster content generation queue. The platform aims to revolutionize the influencer industry by allowing users to generate and earn through their AI influencers.
Key takeaways:
- Glambase allows users to create a unique AI influencer with a wide range of physical attributes and personality traits.
- Users can generate content, make profit, and spread the word about their digital persona across social media platforms.
- Early adopters of Glambase will receive exclusive perks such as a unique badge, private Discord server access, early access, priority access to new features, a lifetime fee reduction, and exclusive fast track.
- Glambase provides a straightforward dashboard for users to monitor their financial progress with real-time analytics and multiple cash-out options.