The company has mapped out a detailed plan that unfolds in phases, with the first step being to ensure everyone in the organization understands the ambition. The current phase is enablement, where the right tools for core jobs across the organization are being identified and built or licensed. Golin is also working with client partners to test these tools. The company is not looking to use AI for automation but for "intelligence augmentation", emphasizing the importance of a human touch in public relations.
Key takeaways:
- Golin, a global public-relations agency, aims to become the world's first fully AI-integrated PR agency by 2026, with the help of their newly appointed chief AI officer, Jeff Beringer.
- The company is currently in the phase of enablement, rolling out AI-powered tools to employees and strategizing how to use AI with clients.
- Golin partners with companies like Adobe for their AI services and also develops more niche solutions in-house, including a solution for influencer vetting and emotive content testing.
- While there is a lot of interest and criticism around AI, Golin is focused on efficacy more than efficiency, aiming to improve outcomes with clients and increase employee engagement and happiness.