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Google adds generative AI features to its Performance Max ad platform, rolling out first as a beta to all US advertisers by the end of the year

Nov 08, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from November 7, 2023, which provides a snapshot of the site at 7:05 PM ET. The page includes top news from various sources including OpenAI, CNET, Android Police, MobileSyrup, InfoWorld, The Microsoft Cloud Blog, Wired, BGR, The Algorithmic Bridge, ITPro, Windows Central, HackerNoon,, Digital Trends, Geek News Central Podcast, TechRepublic, and TechCrunch among others. It also includes tweets from various Twitter users such as @aaschapiro, @franceshaugen, @jason_kint, @zamaan_qureshi, @bostonjoan, @senblumenthal, @evan_greer, @zsk, @judiciarydems, @marshablackburn, and @_andyburrows.

The page also features news from The Verge, CNBC, TweakTown, MediaPost, Dot Esports,, Games, Pocket, New York Post, Verdict, Technowize, WRAL TechWire, Silicon UK, BBC, CoinStats, Bloomberg, Benzinga, ReadWrite, Courthouse News Service, Anadolu Ajansı, Stock Market News, The Japan Times, Times Colonist, and TechCrunch. It also includes sponsor posts, hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events. The page ends with more news from The Register, Business Wire, Tom's Hardware, Bloomberg, Reuters, TechCrunch, Insider, Variety, CNBC, The Verge, BBC, and Financial Times, and earlier picks from various sources.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but there's no specific article mentioned in the provided markdown data. It seems to be a list of various news sources and articles, but without a specific article, I can't provide key bullet points or takeaways. Could you please provide more specific information?
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