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Google appears to be working on an ‘advanced’ version of Bard that you have to pay for

Jan 04, 2024 -
Google is reportedly developing an upgraded version of Bard, named "Bard Advanced", which will be available through a paid subscription to Google One. This information was shared by developer Dylan Roussel, who also revealed that Bard Advanced will be powered by Gemini Ultra, Google's top tier large language model (LLM). The new version is expected to have advanced math and reasoning skills, and there are also indications of an "advanced" tier in development.

Roussel also discovered updates including a feature codenamed Motoko, which may allow users to create custom bots. Other potential features include a "power up" feature that uses AI to improve prompts, a "Gallery" section for exploring different topics, a new "tasks" tab for tracking longer jobs, and a custom background option for shared Bard prompts. However, it is unclear when these features will be officially launched.

Key takeaways:

  • Google is reportedly developing an upgraded version of Bard, known as “Bard Advanced”, which will be available through a paid subscription to Google One.
  • Bard Advanced is expected to be powered by Gemini Ultra, Google’s top tier large language model (LLM), an upgrade from the current version of Bard which uses the midtier Gemini Pro.
  • Developer Dylan Roussel shared updates including a potential feature codenamed Motoko that could allow users to create custom bots, and a new “power up” feature that uses AI to expand on and improve the prompts fed to Bard.
  • Google has been making several upgrades to Bard in recent months, such as enabling it to respond to queries in real time and answer questions about YouTube videos, in an effort to compete with ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot.
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