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Google Brain cofounder says Big Tech companies are lying about the risks of AI wiping out humanity because they want to dominate the market

Oct 30, 2023 -
Google Brain cofounder, Andrew Ng, has accused Big Tech companies of exaggerating the risks of AI to stifle competition. He told The Australian Financial Review that these companies are hoping to trigger strict regulations, particularly against open source, by spreading fear that AI could lead to human extinction. Ng believes this fear-mongering is a tactic used by lobbyists to push for legislation that could harm the open-source community.

Ng warned that the idea that AI could wipe out humanity could lead to policy proposals requiring AI licensing, which could stifle innovation. He believes that any necessary AI regulation should be created thoughtfully. His comments come as governments worldwide are considering regulating AI due to concerns over safety, potential job losses, and even the risk of human extinction. The EU is likely to be the first region to enforce oversight or regulation around generative AI.

Key takeaways:

  • Andrew Ng, Google Brain cofounder, has accused Big Tech companies of exaggerating AI risks to stifle competition and trigger strict regulation.
  • Ng suggests that these companies are particularly against competition from open source and are using the fear of AI leading to human extinction as a lobbying tool.
  • Several AI experts and CEOs have signed a statement comparing the risks of AI to nuclear war and pandemics, and are urging for quick regulatory action.
  • Ng warns that the idea of AI causing human extinction could lead to policy proposals requiring AI licensing, which could potentially stifle innovation.
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