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Google is developing an AI-powered microscope to help doctors spot cancer

Sep 19, 2023 -
Google, in collaboration with the Department of Defense, has developed a prototype for an “Augmented Reality Microscope” (ARM) that uses artificial intelligence to enhance visual indicators in real-time, potentially aiding in the identification of cancer cells or pathogens. The ARM, which was first introduced in 2018, is not yet in use for patient diagnosis, with 13 prototypes currently in existence. The goal is to integrate the system into existing light microscopes in hospitals and clinics, providing various types of visual feedback tailored to specific assessment goals.

The Defense Innovation Unit of the Department of Defense has reportedly arranged agreements with Google to distribute the ARM through the military. The ARM is expected to cost between $90,000 and $100,000, which may be unaffordable for local health providers. Google Health has a history of investing in AI-powered tools to improve diagnostic accuracy and address shortages in healthcare personnel, with an estimated $200 billion invested in AI over the past decade.

Key takeaways:

  • Google has developed an “Augmented Reality Microscope” (ARM) in partnership with the Department of Defense, which uses AI to help identify cancer cells or pathogens.
  • The ARM, which was first introduced in 2018, has not yet been used to diagnose patients and is still in the testing phase with 13 prototypes currently in existence.
  • The Department of Defense's Defense Innovation Unit has negotiated agreements with Google to distribute the ARM through the military, with the device expected to cost between $90,000 and $100,000.
  • Google Health has been investing in AI-powered tools to improve diagnostic accuracy and address the shortage of healthcare personnel, with an estimated $200 billion invested in AI over the past decade.
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