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Google launches BigQuery Studio, a new way to work with data | TechCrunch

Aug 29, 2023 -
Google has introduced BigQuery Studio, a new service within its fully managed serverless data warehouse, BigQuery. The service is designed to allow users to edit programming languages such as SQL, Python, and Spark to run analytics and machine learning workloads at a petabyte scale. The platform is designed to enable users to discover, explore, analyze, and predict data, and it provides access to all the services required for data and AI work in a single environment.

BigQuery Studio is part of Google's broader strategy to move organizations adopting AI to the cloud. The service allows teams to directly access data wherever they are working and includes controls for enterprise-level governance, regulation, and compliance. The platform also allows users to push down code for machine learning models directly into BigQuery as infrastructure, enabling evaluation at scale.

Key takeaways:

  • Google has introduced BigQuery Studio, a new service within its fully managed serverless data warehouse, BigQuery, to help organizations manage and analyze large amounts of data.
  • BigQuery Studio allows users to edit programming languages including SQL, Python and Spark to run analytics and machine learning workloads at petabyte scale.
  • The service is designed to enable users to discover, explore, analyze and predict data, and it integrates with other Google services like Vertex AI for more specialized AI infrastructure and tooling.
  • BigQuery Studio is part of Google's strategy to move organizations adopting AI to the cloud, with AI predicted to be one of the top workloads that drive IT infrastructure decisions through 2023.
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