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Google launches Project IDX, a new AI-enabled browser-based development environment | TechCrunch

Aug 08, 2023 -
Google has announced Project IDX, an AI-enabled browser-based development environment for building full-stack web and multiplatform apps. The project uses Visual Studio Code – Open Source as its basis and integrates with Codey, Google’s PaLM 2-based foundation model for programming tasks. This allows for smart code completion and a chatbot that can assist developers with coding questions. Project IDX also supports frameworks like Angular, Flutter, Next.js, React, Svelte and Vue, and languages like JavaScript and Dart, with Python, Go and others in the pipeline.

Project IDX is a cloud-based IDE that integrates with Google’s Firebase Hosting and Google Cloud Functions, and allows developers to import existing code from GitHub. Each workspace has access to a Linux-based VM and will soon have embedded Android and iOS simulators in the browser. However, it's still early days for the project, with the IDX chatbot not yet fully integrated with the source code. Google plans to add new capabilities over time, but it remains to be seen if Project IDX will become a full-blown IDE that developers will want to use for their projects.

Key takeaways:

  • Google has launched Project IDX, an AI-enabled browser-based development environment for building full-stack web and multiplatform apps. It currently supports several frameworks and languages, with more to be added in the future.
  • Project IDX is based on Visual Studio Code – Open Source and integrates with Codey, Google’s PaLM 2-based foundation model for programming tasks. This allows for smart code completion and a chatbot that can assist developers with coding questions.
  • As a cloud-based IDE, Project IDX integrates with Google’s Firebase Hosting and Google Cloud Functions, and allows developers to import existing code from GitHub. It also provides access to a Linux-based VM and will soon offer embedded Android and iOS simulators in the browser.
  • Despite the innovative features, early testing reveals that the IDX chatbot doesn't tightly couple with the source code and can't directly manipulate it. Google acknowledges that it's still early days for the project and plans to add new capabilities over time.
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