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Google plans to bring AI-fueled security enhancements to Google Workspace | TechCrunch

Aug 23, 2023 -
Google is working on several security enhancements for its Workspace products, including Gmail and Drive, with some features leveraging AI for automation. The company aims to bolster its zero trust model and data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities, with new features that automatically classify and label sensitive data, and apply risk-based controls. Enhanced DLP controls are also being added to Gmail to prevent users from accidentally attaching sensitive data. Google is also introducing context-aware controls in Drive, allowing admins to set criteria such as device location for sharing sensitive data.

AI will also be used to help admins scan log data for data breaches and suspicious activities. Google plans to extend client-side encryption to mobile versions of Gmail, Calendar, Meet, and other Workspace tools, giving customers control over encryption keys. The company will also allow customers to choose where to process their data, initially offering the EU and the US as options. These features are still in development and will be released in the coming months, with pricing details yet to be confirmed.

Key takeaways:

  • Google is working on several security enhancements for its Workspace products, including Gmail and Drive, with some features utilizing AI to automate tasks. These updates are expected to roll out later this year and in early 2024.
  • The company is focusing on enhancing its zero trust model and data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities. This includes AI-driven classification and labeling of sensitive data in Drive, and enhanced DLP controls in Gmail to prevent inadvertent sharing of sensitive data.
  • Google is also developing context-aware controls in Drive, allowing admins to set criteria such as device location for sharing sensitive data, and AI tools to help admins identify data breaches and suspicious actions in Gmail.
  • Google is planning to expand its client-side encryption to mobile versions of Gmail, Calendar, Meet, and other Workspace tools, with customers controlling the encryption keys. The company will also allow customers to choose where to process their data, initially offering the EU or the US as options.
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