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Google updates Google Play game listings, including AI-powered FAQs and new ad formats, adds support for listing PC games, and says Play Points hit 220M members

Mar 12, 2024 -
The article is a Techmeme archive page from March 12, 2024, which provides a snapshot of the site as it appeared at 12:40 PM ET on that date. The page includes top news from various sources including Apple Developer, MacRumors, The Verge, Engadget, Silicon Republic, Thurrott, PCMag,, The Register, MacStories, Android Authority, TechCrunch, Reuters, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Benzinga, PhoneArena, MobileSyrup, AppleInsider, Techaeris,, iClarified, TechRadar, MSPoweruser, Neowin, KnowYourMobile, Cult of Mac, iMore, Financial Times, Trusted Reviews, Spyglass, BGR,, Supercharged, and MacDailyNews.

The page also includes mentions of various individuals and organizations on social media platforms such as Mastodon and LinkedIn, as well as on YouTube. It also provides links to more news from sources such as Wall Street Journal, DL News, Protos, Cryptonews, TechCabal, Watcher Guru, Blockonomi, The Block, Cryptopolitan, CoinGape,,, CoinDesk, and Cointelegraph. The page also features sponsor posts, information about hiring in tech, and upcoming tech events.

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