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Google Workspace chief is stepping down, leaked memo shows

Nov 05, 2024 -
Google's Workspace leader, Aparna Pappu, is stepping down from her role, according to an internal memo. She will be replaced by Jerry Dischler, the current president of Google's cloud applications. Pappu, who has led the unit since July 2022, will remain as an advisor to Workspace before transitioning to a new role within Google.

This leadership change comes at a crucial time for Google's Workspace business as it competes with Microsoft's Office 365 Suite and tries to convince customers to pay for new generative AI features. Google has also appointed Pat McCarthy, Precisely's former chief revenue officer, as its new head of Workspace sales, replacing Bob Frati.

Key takeaways:

  • Aparna Pappu, the vice president and general manager of Google Workspace, is stepping down from her role.
  • Jerry Dischler, president of Google's cloud applications, will take over the leadership of Google Workspace.
  • Pappu will remain an advisor to Workspace before transitioning to a new role within Google.
  • Google has also appointed Pat McCarthy, Precisely's former chief revenue officer, as its new head of Workspace sales.
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