Despite promoting the new building's advanced features in a 229-page glossy book, a Google spokeswoman confirmed the Wi-Fi connectivity issues. The company has made several improvements and hopes to have a fix soon. The Wi-Fi problems have been a hindrance for Google's push for a three-day per week return-to-office mandate. The exact cause of the Wi-Fi problems has not been publicly disclosed, but employees suggest the building's unique architecture may be a factor.
Key takeaways:
- Google's new office building in Mountain View, California has been experiencing persistent Wi-Fi connectivity issues, forcing employees to rely on ethernet cables or use their phones as hotspots.
- The company has acknowledged the problem and has made several attempts to address it, with hopes of having a fix in the coming weeks.
- The Wi-Fi issues have been a hindrance for Google's push for a three-day per week return-to-office mandate, according to an AI engineer.
- While the exact cause of the Wi-Fi problems has not been publicly disclosed, employees speculate that the building's unique architecture, specifically its wave-like rooftop, may be a contributing factor.