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GPT-4 Vision Powered First-ever reliable browser automation to gain hours back every week.

Dec 24, 2023 -
AI Employe is an open-source platform that automates complex tasks requiring human-like intelligence such as understanding emails, receipts, and invoices. It allows users to create workflows by outlining and demonstrating tasks in the browser, without capturing the screen, mic, or camera. The AI can execute these tasks, taking appropriate actions based on the data it interprets.

The platform also serves as a research assistant, providing unique insights from graphs, intricate tables, and image-based OCR. It can automate logging budget details from emails or PDF receipts into an expense tracker. AI Employe aims to save users time and effort, making tasks that were previously unachievable in automation now possible.

Key takeaways:

  • AI Employe is an open-source tool that can automate complex tasks requiring human-like intelligence, such as understanding emails, receipts, and invoices.
  • It allows users to create workflows by outlining and demonstrating tasks in the browser, recording only browser changes without capturing the screen, mic or camera.
  • AI Employe can also provide unique insights from graphs, intricate tables, and image-based OCR.
  • By using AI Employe, users can automate tasks and reclaim their time, making their week more productive.
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