The game modes include "Hole in One," where players are thrown through the air to land in a moving golf hole, "Bombarda," a mix of dodgeball and soccer, "Volley Bash," where players are thrown across a net to score goals, and "Lawyer Launch," where players run through a high-rise office building and throw lawyers out of windows. The game also has a Discord for players to join and is inviting players to upcoming betas. The system requirements for the game include Windows 10, Core i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, GTX 950M graphics, DirectX version 11, broadband internet connection, and 5 GB available storage space.
Key takeaways:
- The game "Grab n' Throw" is a multiplayer game that allows players to engage in various game modes, using their characters' enhanced upper body strength to throw and interact with objects and other players.
- The game features fluid movement, bulk interactivity, a variety of game modes, and sustainable multiplayer design that includes AI opponents when human players are not available.
- Some of the game modes include "Hole in One", "Bombarda", "Volley Bash", and "Lawyer Launch", each providing unique gameplay experiences.
- The game requires a minimum of Windows 10 OS, Core i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, GTX 950M graphics, DirectX version 11, broadband internet connection, and 5 GB available storage space.