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HackerPulse | Growth Copilot for Developers

Jul 24, 2024 -
HackerPulse is a comprehensive developer profile platform that aggregates data from GitHub, LinkedIn, and other platforms to create a complete professional profile for developers. The platform is designed to identify skill gaps and areas for improvement, providing practical feedback to support career growth. It also allows developers to link their GitHub, StackOverflow, Kaggle profiles, and academic papers, giving them control over their data.

The platform uses data from various sources to provide a complete view of a developer's strengths, achievements, and opportunities for improvement. It showcases the developer's code, shared knowledge, career milestones, and selected links and opinions. HackerPulse has been positively received by developers, who appreciate the platform's ability to showcase a full range of skills and align with the complex needs of modern software engineers.

Key takeaways:

  • HackerPulse is a platform that aggregates your GitHub, LinkedIn, and other developer profiles into one comprehensive dev profile.
  • The platform uses data from various sources to identify skill gaps and areas for improvement, providing practical feedback to support a developer's growth.
  • HackerPulse doesn't just showcase your skills, it tells your entire professional story while highlighting areas for growth.
  • Developers who have tried HackerPulse have given positive feedback, stating that it helps them showcase their full range of skills and aligns with the complex needs of modern software engineers.
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