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Heinz on re-connecting with young consumers

Nov 29, 2023 -
Heinz won the Integrated award at the Drum awards for Design for a campaign that used artificial intelligence (AI) to reconnect with younger consumers. The campaign was developed in response to a drop in the brand's affinity score, with the aim to reestablish Heinz as a contemporary brand. The campaign leveraged the text-to-image AI generator, DALL·E 2, to create images based on ketchup-based prompts from consumers. The generated images, which consistently featured elements of the Heinz brand, were used in a global campaign that included out-of-home, print, and social media advertising, as well as a metaverse art gallery and a real-world art gallery in Toronto.

The campaign, which was originally launched in Canada and the US, generated over 1.15 billion earned impressions worldwide, with significant presence in China, Chile, and Brazil. The earned media was worth over 2500% more than the media investment, and the campaign exceeded its North American KPIs for earned stories by over 250% in a matter of weeks. The campaign was so impactful that it led to DALL·E 2 being retrained to reduce brand bias, changing how brands use AI.

Key takeaways:

  • Heinz won the Integrated award at the Drum awards for Design with a campaign that aimed to reconnect the brand with younger consumers.
  • The campaign used DALL·E 2, an advanced A.I. image generator, to create images based on the concept of 'ketchup', which consistently resembled Heinz products.
  • The campaign was launched globally, generating over 1.15 billion earned impressions and exceeding KPIs for earned stories by over 250% in North America.
  • The success of the campaign led to DALL·E 2 being retrained to reduce brand bias, changing how brands use artificial intelligence.
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