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Higher Ed At A Crossroads: Multiple Impacts Of AI And Marshall McLuhan

Oct 05, 2023 -
The article discusses the impact of online education and artificial intelligence (AI) on higher education. It highlights the revolutionary innovation of online education, emphasizing that the medium of instruction significantly influences how students perceive and understand the content. The article suggests that while online education offers convenience, it may compromise the quality of education, as evidenced by data showing improved scores for in-class students and declined scores for online students. It also identifies factors that may affect student outcomes in online education, including synchronous vs asynchronous learning, physical presence vs absence, time and cost pressures to graduate, and the approach of first-generation university students.

The article further explores the evolutionary innovation of AI in education, which can provide personalized tutoring for students at their own pace and with minimal cost. It warns legislators against regulations that may hinder the potential for excellence in online education and urges educators to evaluate evolutionary improvements in the new technology to enhance education in the new medium. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for policymakers to gain more insight into the new medium to avoid stifling educational innovations.

Key takeaways:

  • Online education is a revolutionary innovation that allows new business models to compete against traditional in-class education, but it also presents challenges in terms of quality and student perception.
  • Several factors can impact student outcomes in online education, including synchronous vs asynchronous learning, physical presence, time and cost pressures to graduate, and the approach of first-generation university students.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly enhance online education by offering personalized tutoring at students' own pace and with minimal cost.
  • Policy makers need to understand the nuances of online education and avoid regulations that may hinder its potential, allowing educators the freedom to evaluate and implement improvements in this new medium.
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