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Hooper - Create your stats and highlights, shot by shot

Aug 01, 2024 -
The article promotes a new application that allows users to create their own highlights and track their stats using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The app is designed for sports enthusiasts who want to elevate their game and share their progress with others. It's available for download on TestFlight and Google Play.

The AI technology in the app generates highlight clips from the user's game, providing a unique and personalized experience. This makes it easy for users to analyze their performance, improve their skills, and share their achievements with just their phone.

Key takeaways:

  • You can elevate your game by creating your own highlights, shot by shot.
  • The service allows you to be the first to use AI to track your stats.
  • You can generate highlight clips with just your phone.
  • The app is available for download on TestFlight and Google Play.
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