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How AI Can Help With Business’s Context-Switching Problem

Dec 01, 2023 -
The article discusses the issue of context-switching, or the act of rapidly shifting attention between tasks, which has been proven to decrease productivity and increase errors. The author cites studies that show the average knowledge worker switches between 10 apps up to 25 times per day, leading to missed actions and messages, and that workers lose five weeks a year getting reoriented after toggling to a new application. The author suggests that the solution to this problem could lie in the use of generative AI in integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) systems.

Generative AI can automate and simplify tasks, making iPaaS platforms smarter and more adaptive. This can reduce the time lost to context-switching and put vast amounts of information at employees' fingertips. The author suggests that companies should work within defined parameters, use a management portal for new integrations, and support employees with appropriate training to effectively integrate AI into their businesses. The article concludes by stating that while it's impossible to completely eliminate toggling at work, generative AI can significantly reduce the time spent on context-switching, making employees more focused and productive.

Key takeaways:

  • The human brain is not capable of multitasking effectively, instead it context switches, which can lead to decreased productivity and increased mistakes.
  • Integrating generative AI into businesses can help reduce the time lost to context-switching and put vast amounts of information at the fingertips of employees.
  • When integrating AI, it's important to work within defined parameters, use a management portal for new integrations, and provide employees with appropriate training.
  • Generative AI can help simplify and democratize integrations, empowering individuals to be more focused, productive, and effective in their daily work.
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