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How Airlines Are Using AI to Make Flying Easier

May 11, 2024 -
Airlines are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve customer experience and streamline operations. United Airlines, for example, has implemented an AI-powered tool called ConnectionSaver, which allows flights to wait for delayed passengers and their checked bags, while still ensuring on-time arrival at the destination. The system also sends text messages to both the late-arriving passengers and those on the waiting flight to keep them informed. Other airlines, including Alaska Airlines and American Airlines, are also developing AI capabilities to make flying easier for passengers and reduce costs.

AI is expected to revolutionize various aspects of the customer flying experience, from baggage tracking to personalized in-flight entertainment. Alaska Airlines has been using AI since 2021 to help dispatchers plan more efficient routes. The technology is also being used to reduce fuel consumption. Any successful innovation by a carrier could potentially become an industry standard.

Key takeaways:

  • Airlines are using artificial intelligence to improve operations, including saving fuel, keeping customers informed, and holding connecting flights for delayed passengers.
  • United Airlines has implemented an AI-powered tool called ConnectionSaver, which allows the airline to wait for late passengers and their checked bags, while still ensuring on-time arrival at the destination.
  • Other airlines such as Alaska Airlines and American Airlines are also developing new AI capabilities to enhance the flying experience for passengers and streamline operations.
  • AI is expected to change almost every aspect of the customer flying experience, from baggage tracking to personalized in-flight entertainment.
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