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How Every Company Can Become 'AI First'

Jan 16, 2024 -
Scott Montgomerie, CEO of Scope AR, discusses the impact of AI on businesses and the importance of adopting AI technologies to stay competitive. He argues that AI can enhance productivity in every aspect of a company's operations, from finance to marketing to coding. However, he acknowledges that resistance to change and misunderstanding of AI's capabilities can hinder its adoption.

To overcome these barriers, Montgomerie suggests constant encouragement to try new tools, providing specific resources tailored to each profession, meeting people where they are in terms of comfort with technology, and organizing competitions and hackathons to stimulate interest. He warns that companies failing to adapt to the AI shift risk being left behind.

Key takeaways:

  • AI has the potential to significantly increase productivity in every aspect of a company's operations, from finance and marketing to sales and coding.
  • Despite the potential benefits, many people, including developers, are resistant to adopting AI due to factors such as inertia, early failure, misunderstanding of AI's abilities, and fear.
  • To encourage AI adoption, companies can provide constant encouragement to try new tools, provide specific resources for each profession, meet people where they are in terms of their comfort with technology, and organize competitions and hackathons.
  • Companies that fail to adapt to the shift towards AI risk being left behind in the rapidly evolving business landscape.
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