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How OpenAI’s new text-to-video tool, Sora, could harm journalism and society - Poynter

Feb 20, 2024 -
OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research organization, has revealed a new text-to-video tool, Sora, which has sparked both excitement and concern among AI enthusiasts, researchers, and journalists. The tool can generate highly realistic videos from text prompts, but experts warn it could be used to create misleading content and fuel propaganda. In a conversation with Poynter faculty members Tony Elkins and Alex Mahadevan, they discussed the potential implications of this technology, highlighting the need for rigorous verification processes and ethical guidelines in its use.

Mahadevan expressed concerns about the tool being used to generate misinformation, especially in the context of war zones or user-generated content. Elkins echoed these concerns, noting that the ease of creating realistic videos could lead to a post-truth world where it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between real and AI-generated content. Both experts emphasized the need for news organizations to understand and experiment with AI, and for tech companies to implement safeguards to prevent misuse of such tools.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI's new text-to-video tool, Sora, has sparked a significant reaction from AI enthusiasts, researchers, and journalists due to its realistic video generation capabilities.
  • Experts express concerns about the potential misuse of the tool, including the creation of misinformation and propaganda, as well as the challenges it poses for verifying user-generated content.
  • There are calls for AI companies to implement safeguards to prevent misuse and for news organizations to understand and experiment with these tools to avoid being left behind.
  • Despite the concerns, some experts believe AI tools like Sora could enhance journalism by allowing under-resourced local news outlets to expand their coverage areas.
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