Snapdragon Seamless also allows for continuity between devices, meaning progress on one device can carry over to another. It also enables devices to share information about their connectivity, and it has potential applications in extended reality. However, the implementation of Snapdragon Seamless will require manufacturers to make decisions about what information is shared between devices and how to use the extra information to improve the user experience. Qualcomm is also working on integrating AI capabilities from several devices into the system.
Key takeaways:
- Qualcomm unveiled a new system called Snapdragon Seamless at the Snapdragon Summit in Hawaii, which allows devices such as phones, PCs, tablets, headphones, and accessories to automatically connect, similar to Apple's seamless interactivity.
- Snapdragon Seamless has the potential to allow multiple devices to talk to each other and share continuity, such as dragging and dropping files between devices, and having progress carry over to another device.
- Qualcomm is not the only company attempting to imitate Apple's ecosystem interoperability, with Google and Intel also announcing similar initiatives.
- Despite the appeal of Snapdragon Seamless, Qualcomm acknowledges the effort needed to get manufacturers onboard and to unify their ecosystems in a standardized way.