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How The Industry Cloud Is Changing The Game

Nov 09, 2023 -
The article discusses the concept of the industry cloud, which tailors cloud services to the specific needs of businesses within a single industry. These industry-specific cloud platforms are capable of handling the demands of highly regulated industries like financial services, manufacturing, and healthcare, and can accommodate advanced digital capabilities like analytics and AI-powered algorithms. The industry cloud allows IT teams to deploy and manage specialized software, aligning it with business goals and providing business leaders with a deeper understanding of the technology.

The industry cloud is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but provides prebuilt offerings that serve as building blocks for further innovation. It also creates opportunities for connectivity and collaboration, encouraging enterprises to work together while sharing applications and services. The industry cloud ecosystem can accelerate innovation not just for a single business but for an entire industry, and is helping even the most risk-averse businesses in highly regulated industries embrace the cloud and become cloud-native enterprises.

Key takeaways:

  • The industry cloud is a tailored approach to cloud services that caters to the specific needs of businesses within a single industry. It is predicted to exceed a market value of $350 billion by 2031.
  • Industry cloud platforms turn cloud platforms into business platforms by overlaying security guardrails specific to an industry, enabling clients to deliver value against specific business outcomes while maintaining data integrity.
  • While the industry cloud provides prebuilt offerings specific to a given industry, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. These offerings serve as composable building blocks for further innovation.
  • The industry cloud creates opportunities for connectivity and collaboration, encouraging enterprises to work together while sharing applications and services to refine solutions or create entirely new ones. This can accelerate innovation not just for a single business but for an entire industry.
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