Despite this new policy, Meta will continue to use text from posts or comments, and photos submitted by users to Facebook or Instagram for AI training. The company is developing numerous generative AI models capable of producing text, images, code, and music, which are key to building Mark Zuckerberg's vision of the metaverse. In the short term, Meta is also using AI for advertising and developing tools like chatbots and customizable stickers for its platforms.
Key takeaways:
- Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is allowing users to request that some of their personal data not be used to train its generative AI models.
- This policy only applies to third-party sourced information and does not extend to personal data uploaded to Meta's social media platforms.
- Users can submit an objection form through the Privacy Center link to request deletion, inspection, or editing of their data used for AI training.
- Despite the new policy, Meta will continue to use a combination of publicly available online information, licensed information, and data from its own products and services for AI model training.