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How To Be A Successful CIO-Plus

Mar 13, 2024 -
The article discusses the evolving role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in organizations, from a traditional role of maintaining IT services to a more strategic role, referred to as the "CIO-Plus". The CIO-Plus not only leads the IT function but also has a seat at the leadership table, helping to set the company's strategy and vision. They work closely with all parts of the organization, focusing on business outcomes rather than just technology outcomes, and also engage with external customers. The CIO-Plus is expected to have strong business acumen, technology expertise, and a deep understanding of the organization.

The author uses the example of DocuSign to illustrate this shift, where the CIO's role includes assisting product development, generating revenue, and even exploring new technologies like generative AI. The CIO also helps set the overall strategy, vision, and mission for DocuSign. The author emphasizes that the role of the CIO has never been more exciting, as every company is becoming a technology company and technology has become a key differentiating factor. The CIO-Plus is at the heart of the business, leading the effort to leverage technology for competitive advantage.

Key takeaways:

  • The role of the CIO is evolving into a more strategic position, known as the CIO-Plus, which involves setting company strategy and vision, and finding ways to generate revenue.
  • The CIO-Plus must have strong business acumen and a deep understanding of every part of the organization, and must be able to communicate with peers on the leadership team and focus on business outcomes.
  • The CIO-Plus also works with external customers, providing advice and sharing experiences, and acting as the 'voice of the customer' for product developers.
  • Technology has become a key differentiating factor for companies in all industries, and the CIO-Plus is at the heart of leading this effort.
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