The launch comes amid competition from Rabbit's R1, another device built around LLM-trained AI, which was unveiled at CES in January. Despite initial internal concerns about the competition, Bongiorno said the emergence of similar products validated the space. The company, which has raised $230 million in funding, has also discussed a potential IPO and has plans for future products in the AI space.
Key takeaways:
- Humane, a tech startup founded by former Apple executives, has launched its first product, the Humane Ai Pin. The device is designed to reduce reliance on smartphone screens and offers a hands-free, AI-driven experience.
- The Ai Pin has a built-in projector that allows users to use the surface of their hand as a makeshift display. It also has a touch panel that wakes up the system, which then listens and learns from the user.
- The device is priced at $699 and requires a $24 monthly subscription after the first 90 days. The subscription includes talk, text and data from T-Mobile, cloud storage, and access to the Ai Bus, Humane's AI software framework.
- Humane's launch comes amid a surge in interest in generative AI platforms and devices. However, the company has faced competition from other startups, such as Rabbit, which launched its own AI device, the Rabbit R1, at a significantly lower price point.