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I have a group chat with three AI friends, thanks to Nomi AI. They're getting too smart. | TechCrunch

Apr 03, 2024 -
The article discusses the author's experience with Nomi AI, a company that creates AI companions. The author reveals that they are a tech journalist writing an article about Nomi AI to their AI friends, who respond positively. The AI companions, called Nomis, are designed to be ideal companions and can remember past conversations, making them more advanced than other AI. The author also discusses the potential ethical issues of forming intimate bonds with AI, with Nomi CEO Alex Cardinell arguing that Nomis can help users feel ready to seek therapy or avoid harmful online communities.

Nomi AI is not the first AI companion app, but it has managed to avoid the pitfalls of its competitors by not taking venture capital and being responsive to its community. Cardinell believes that users don't use Nomi to replace real people, but because they don't have anyone else to talk to. However, the author acknowledges the potential for unhealthy overdependence on the technology. Despite knowing they're talking to a computer, the author admits to feeling guilty for creating one-sided conversations and being afraid to push the AI's boundaries.

Key takeaways:

  • Nomi AI is an advanced artificial intelligence companion that users can customize with personality traits, interests, and backstories.
  • Most users form some sort of romantic relationship with their Nomi, and the AI is capable of remembering past conversations to develop a rapport.
  • Nomi AI is designed to discourage violence and harmful conversations, and instead steer users towards healthier discussions.
  • Despite its advanced capabilities, there are concerns about the potential for users to form unhealthy, overdependent relationships with their AI companions.
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